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2010-07-25 Huffy Mountain Bike

This Huffy Blue Ridge mountain bike is in perfect condition and yet complete junk but will be great as a disposable bike or transport for interns.

Huffy Mountain Bike

2010-07-25 Giant Kids

This Giant 125 MTX is a fancy aluminium framed kids' bike with gears and linear pull brakes and such. It seemed to have been mildly damaged upon discard but a couple of quick tweaks and it is fine.

Giant Kids

2010-07-07 Dolls' House

This wooden dolls' house is in fine condition and comes with a full set of interior accessories. It has a nice cutaway aspect for full interference in the dolls lives by their controlling overlord.

Dolls House

2010-07-06 Kids Kitchen

This kids play kitchen set replaces one we found a year or two ago. Wear and tear had taken its course and something new and shiny was required.

Kids Kitchen

2010-07-03 Kindling

This package of Grandpa Willie's kindling is still sealed and was discarded in a scrap wood recovery container. While all the scrap wood present would make nice kindling this seemed like it would make a nice instant present for a friend.


2010-07-03 Joggers

These three Babytrend Explorer jogging strollers all showed up loosely at the same time and place. They are all in fine shape (modulo the missing wheel which has been remedied since the pic was taken). They will be pitched to the beach crowd on the list of craig.


2010-06-20 Samsonite Suitcase

Somebody staying with us needs a clothing conveyance device for a short trip so we grabbed this for him. He seems to think it approriate and it is certainly timely.

Samsonite Suitcase

2010-06-20 Peg Perego Aria

This random little Peg Perego Aria twin pushchair will sell nicely, these seems to have a rabid following. They are super light and easy to pack up but the lightness seems to impair the quality, in our opinion.

Peg Perego Aria

2010-06-20 Kids Devices

Here a couple of things for kids to emulate their parents or whoever. A shopping trolley and an umbrella stroller. We have one of each already but ours are significantly abused and falling apart, each in the seperate way. These will step into the breach as shiny distracty replacements.

Kids Devices
Kids Devices

2010-06-20 Joovy Big Caboose

Technically this Joovy Big Caboose is a sit and sit and stand format stroller. Whatever, it is in near perfect condition and ready for deployment with some harrassed family. It even has all the car set holder thingies and snack trays present and correct.

Joovy Big Caboose

After a light wash it looks great. The picture does not really do it justice.


2010-06-20 Graco Quattro Tour

This weird and fancy Graco Quattro Tour stroller is some kind of development of the Duo Glider, we think, but different in several ways. It is all too weird and space age for our tates but hopefully the list of craig will introduce us to some people for whom this is not an issue.

Graco Quattro Tour

2010-06-20 Graco Duo Glider

Yet another Graco Duo Glider stroller, this time in a colour scheme we have not yet encountered and one that might cuase problems with the selling. Not because people do not want but because a certain type of person wants it and they tend to be annoying to deal with in what should be a simple transaction.

Graco Duo Glider

While it seems to emulating some form of lowrider in this pic that is just the storage basket hanging incorrectly. It is nice and tight now. Possible reason for discard?


2010-06-20 Chicco Seat Base

This ranom Chicco seat base is pretty new and just needs a clean. We already have some Chicco stuff so this may get bundled in with it.

Chicco Seat Base

2010-06-20 Boat Cushions

These are boat cushions that double as flotation devices when you manges to capsize the junky hulk you are floating on. Not sure what we will do with them.

Boat Cushions

2010-06-20 Bigwheel

This Hotwheels brand bigwheel trike is a load of crap but amuses offspring for a while. It will probably be tossed pretty soon.


2010-06-20 Beer Keg Gas Setup

This random and slightly home made beer keg gas regulator and pump setup still have a full tank of carbon dioxide and is all present and correct. We do not really have a use for it but know people who do.

Beer Keg Gas Setup

2010-06-19 Malibu Girlpower bike

This preposterously named Malibu Girlpower is in near perfect condition and has not really been ridden. That of course is fine because the purpose of shiny bikes is the gratifying buzz of consumerism that you get at purchase time, not any incidental transportation related properties.

Malibu Girlpower bike

2010-06-19 Graco Duo Glider

Yet another Graco Duo Glider stroller in OK shape, just missing the front hood. That is fine as there are always people scouring the list of craig for a economical device for the transportation of two horrible little offspring. For some reason the fabric on this, called the Princeton pattern, arouses more interest in purchasers than the plain blue ones.

Graco Duo Glider

2010-06-19 Fan

This fan is in like new condition and is presumably the type that ones uses to air out wet rooms or some such. It has a water proof switch cover and a built in breaker. It works great and generates a substantial blast of air. The thing, despite being plastic, has a pretty nice quality feel to it.


2010-06-19 Babytrend Expedition

A nice Babytrend Expedition single jogger in fine shape and ready for another lifetime of usage. After a clean and air in the tyres it will hit the list of craig.

Babytrend Expedition
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