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2010-10-16 Stainless Bin

This stainless steel bin is in near new condition and was not even dirty. We are torn between using it as an ice bucket for champagne and using it for the less interesting original purpose, garbage can. We shall see.

Stainless Bin

Update: In the ice bucket role it functions fine but almost seems to demand a Magnum to really get the best use of the space. Hmmmmmmm......


2010-10-09 Kettcar

This spiffy yellow Kettcar is quite nice and of course turned up shortly after we replaced a wheel on the other one we have. No matter, the offspring seem to like them both. Reason for discard on this seems to be that the chain had come off the sprockets. This was of course remedied in about 15 seconds.


2010-10-09 Juvenile Wheelchair

This fancy looking Allegro wheelchair is in OK shape but maybe missing a piece or two. It is of pretty high quality with good parts on it so we will try to get it back into circulation.

Juvenile Wheelchair

The more sensible among you might suggest we donate it to the Red Cross or some such. Unfortunately it seems that they threw it into the scrap metal in the first place.


2010-10-02 Tomato Cages

Yet more tomato imprisonment devices, harvested by us for friends. These ones coated in green stuff.

Tomato Cages

2010-10-02 Jogger

This Safari TT jogging stroller is in good shape and has such handy features as swivel front wheel, one hand fold and kid's snack tray. Most of these features are useless but the browsers of the list of craig seem to value them. These are the consumers responsible for the marketplace full of feature bloat.


2010-10-02 Cast Iron Skillet

This Lodge cast iron skillet looks pretty rough but the rust is really not as bad as it looks. This should clean up nicely for whichever friend claims it first.

Cast Iron Skillet

Update: Mouse over for the clean up pic.


2010-10-02 Bike Carcas

This random GT mountain bike is missing a fair amount of stuff and has a few bends and scrapes but will probably form the basis for a nice bike for a friend.

Bike Carcas

2010-09-18 Tomato Cages

These tomato cages are not to imprison the tomatoes but to assist them in escaping, in some strange way. These were grabbed for a friend who was along for the ride and the pickings.

Tomato Cages

2010-09-18 Silver Tray

This random silver plated tray will be used by a friend to display/hold some adornment related devices. We think.

Silver Tray

2010-09-18 Miele Vacuum Cleaner

This Miele Red Star vacuum cleaner is in OK shape. There is a loose connection in the mains power supply plug so that if you bend the cable a certain angle it works but at other angles it does not. This is probably the reason for discard, which could be of course could be remedied by simply splicing a new plug on the end.

More importantly we could put a new plug on this cable assembly and use it to fix our other (even nicer) red Miele that had the cable cut off. It seems like we are developing Miele expertise.

Miele Vacuum Cleaner

2010-09-18 Fuji Bike

This nice green Fuji Sports 10 bike was picked up for us by our man on the spot and has cleaned up pretty nicely. It just needs bar tape now and it will be off to a nearby large city full of bike rabid hipsters. It had never been seriously ridden in the 30 plus years it has sat around in a garage, the tyres still had the mold flanges on them. Said tyres were dry rotted and useless so we replaced them.

Fuji Bike

2010-09-18 Fajitas Skillet

This random little Fajitas style skillet was probably part of a "make fajitas at home gift set". Needless to say it was never used. We, or some acquaintaince of ours, might find a use for it.

Fajitas Skillet

2010-09-14 Fuji Bike

This Fuji was acquired mostly stripped a while ago. Months later we got a Windsor road bike with nice parts and chromed lugs. Unhappily the Windsor frame was badly rusted but we transplanted most of its parts onto the Fuji to give this vaguely nice end product. The spiffy, if a little chipped, orange paint looks pretty cool and the nice parts and ride set it off.

Fuji Bike

2010-09-14 Cookware

Of the cookware in this picture the steamer and the large Calphalon skillet were found today. The other pieces have made their appearance on this pages in previous years.


2010-09-14 Bike Wheels

This handy set of bike wheels is of moderate quality and seems only slightly used. They both appear straight and in good order with no apparent reason for discard. One possible reason is a total bike upgrade by somebody rather wasteful.

Bike Wheels

2010-09-08 Baby Jogger Twinner

This Baby Jogger Twinner double jogging stroller is in pretty fie condition except for some sun fading and the black hand grip foam coming off. It will get a wash and air in the tyres before it meets its new owners on the list of craig.

Baby Jogger Twinner

2010-09-07 His and Hers Schwinn

This his-and-hers matching pair of Schwinn World tourist bikes are in near perfect condition. I was able to find out from the discarder that they were in the beach house they bought and they decided to buy shiny new bikes rather than use these shiny old ones. It is probable that these bikes will outlive the ones they bought (Walmart specials?).

His and Hers Schwinn

These are pretty special as they have the freewheel in the bottom bracket and aluminium cranks. Those features are not especially desirable to us but make the bikes a little unique.

Update: They sold very fast and as a pair. That is quite satisfying.


2010-09-07 Bike Wheel

A friend of ours has a younger relative who has a runabout beater mountain bike. This bike was deployed at a well known prestigous university for her everyday usage but got run over by one of the power-crazed security guards in the little golf cart type things.

This random rear wheel and tyre is unremarkable other than the fact that it is exactly what is required to fix said bike, which will arrive here soon for rehabilitation purposes. It showed up as if ordered.

Bike Wheel

2010-08-14 Nishiki Manitoba

This Nishiki Manitoba mountain bike is a bit beat up and junky but will be excellent deployed as a station bike or summer intern transit. Rides fine looks like crap.

Nishiki Manitoba

2010-08-13 Stainless Pot

This large stainless steel pot is in fine shape and has no apparent reason for discard apart from the fact that it needed a clean. It even has a nice lid. Magda?

Stainless Pot
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