The Stuff Page: Things that ended up tossed but that seem like they have another life ahead of them.
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A realtor type office seemed to have emptied itself, including lots of computing related items, into a dumpster. We made off with numerous items, inclucing but not limited to.
One Gateway Pentium 2 266MHz with no memory but a hard drive full of realtor stuff. Most entertaining. No porn though.
One Gateway Pentium 2 233Mhz yet to be investigated.
One unidentified Athlon type thing with lots of memery but no HD. DVD rom and CD-R still there all happy.
One Belkin KVM switch, two TV capture cards and assorted 168 pin memory.
Several Windows and Office install CDs. Great, just what we need.
Pair of ethernet crimpers and lots of cable ready to be crimped. These are probably the most useful thing in the dumpster even if they did draw blood. Pic:
Linksys wireless print server adaptor, not the sort of thing we would use but you never know we might find a use for it. More likely a customer for it. Pic:
Pair of pruning loppers. They seem to fully functional. They are not computer related but they sneaked in at the end here anyway.