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2017-04-29 Bikes

A couple of random bikes. First a Diamond Back Approach, sort of a hyrbid style thing. More or less never ridden judging by the pristine state of the brake pad contact area on the rims. Somebody will want it, ideal station bike.


Reason for discard, never once used?

The other one is a large frame Miyata from the 1980s or so. Nice enough, no pic yet.


2017-04-29 Aeron Chair

A Herman Miller Aeron chair. It is in very fine condition and all the adjuster thingies work. It was tossed into the general garbage pit and had to be fished out with a broom, a most exciting adventure.

Aeron Chair

Now we can pretend we worked at a dodgy startup 10 years ago or some such and the only thing we got out of the failure was the chair, which was more valuable than the equity.


2017-04-01 McGee

A copy of McGee, On food and cooking, updated edition. This is nice reference work and we have a copy already so will give this away.


2017-04-01 Hobie Cat

This is kind of guest or vicarious stuff. A Hobie Cat on a trailer showed up in the trash. This picture shows a guy grabbing it from the trash, something we would have had to decide about had he not done it.

Hobie Cat

Thanks random dude for relieving us of this duty.


2017-03-25 Snowblower

Some random Noma 5hp snowblower with Tecumseh engine. It is kind of nice in that there are lots of nuts and bolts we can play with and such. We added fuel and it started on the very first pull, always a good sign. We may keep this to replace a prior entry on this page.


2017-02-04 Unicatch Roofing Nailers

Two Unicatch UNC175R roofing nailers in well used condition. Both work, one is a little intermittant. I suspect we will tune up the good one and keep the other for parts.

Unicatch Roofing Nailers

The nails shown in the picture came from the trash a while ago, we kept them just in case we would find a nailgun to shoot them. Up until this point that counted as mildly pack-rat behaviour. Now it has been converted into sensible foresightedness.


2017-01-26 Schwinn Sierra

A Schwinn Sierra mountain bike. It had a suspension seat post thingy that was trash (they always are) so we put on one from stores and it is good to go. Tires even had a fair bit of air in them. Nice twist grip shifters.

Schwinn Sierra

Sorry about the stupid filter on the picture, I fat fingered the dial setting on the camera.


2017-01-26 Kolcraft Contour

This Kolcraft Contour is a pretty fancy device for transporting a couple of offspring. The seats needed a clean and various bits got a drop of oil etc but it is now good to go to a new home. The list of craig shall provide, we hope.

Kolcraft Contour

2017-01-14 Miele Antares

This small Miele, an Antares model, was tossed into the scrap metal and miraculously still had the cable. It does not work when plugged in but is still a high value item for fixing or parts.

Meiele Antares

2016-12-30 Dell Monitor

A random little Dell monitor, handy for using with smaller machines like fruity Pi devices.

Dell Monitor

Pic shows it being used to test an Ubuntu machine running XP in VirtualBox.


2016-12-11 Cast Iron Pot

This strange cast iron wok shaped pot has a lid but seems to be missing a handle. Strange indeed. It looks like it is intended for use on a fire.

Cast Iron Pot
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