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The Stuff Page: Things that ended up tossed but that seem like they have another life ahead of them.

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2017-10-14 Ryobi Pressure Washer

A random Ryobi eletric pressure washer in pretty good condition. We think it has sat around a lot more than it has been used. Worked fine, all tested, ready for a new home with some friends.

Ryobi Pressure Washer

2017-10-14 Raleigh M20

A pretty low quality and basic Raleigh M20 mountain bike. Nothing wrong with it, air in the tires and good to go.

Raleigh M20

2017-10-14 Phil and Ted

A random Phil and Ted stroller with some small issues. The folding retainer catch is missing a piece and it has seen some use. It may well see a second life, not sure yet.

Phil and Ted

2017-10-14 Miyata Bike

Miyata Ninety bike. Very nice condition, not ridden. It has sat in a garage for 30 years, then had new tires applied, then sat for long enough for the tires to go flat again, then was tossed.

Miyata Bike

2017-10-14 Billy Goat

A Billy Goat machine, 5hp, made for vacuuming up leaves and small animals that might chance into your garden. This is a substantial machine, was out of fuel when we found it, but started up pretty easily when filled up. Good to go, already rehomed with a friend whose neighbours' trees drop things in his yard.

Billy Goat

2017-10-07 Random BMX

This is a random BMX of no particular value. But complete and relatively shiny.

Random BMX

2017-10-07 Outdoor Pot Burner

This is a random little propane powered outdoor pot burner. The kind you make deep friend turkey with, or some such.

Outdoor Pot Burner

2017-10-07 Maxi Cosi Selection

A reasonable selection of Maxi Cosi infant and toddler car seats. They are a little dusty and dinged up but nice items nevertheless. One we have already passed on to people who will be in need of it at some time in the future.

Maxi Cosi Selection

2017-10-07 City Minis

Two orange and black Baby Jogger City Mini strollers. One is more or less brand new, possibly discarded due to incorrect user assembly. The other is just merely a very nice used stroller.

City Minis
City Minis

2017-10-07 Ceiling Fan

A random 3 blade modern styled ceiling fan. Just fine when you need and extra fan.

Ceiling Fan

2017-10-07 Bike Wheels

One pair of 700C wheels and tyres in good condition. Missing the front skewer.

Bike Wheels
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