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2020-08-21 Soma Generation

This Soma Generation 5-speed bike has sat for while, rusting gently on a porch and in a garage. As a test of skill and ingenuity we made it safely ridable again with minimal change or cosmetic improvements. Et voila, it is rideable.

Soma Generation

2020-08-19 Baby Jogger City Mini

This City Mini is is good usable condition we think, it certainly needs a clean and some oil on certain parts but should be fine and pressed back into service with a suitanle new owmner.

Baby Jogger City Mini

2020-08-15 Homelite Chainsaw

A random Homelite chainaw. Not the best chainsaw in the world, but if you need to chop up some tree parts, and this is what you have, then this is sufficient.

Homelite Chainsaw

2020-08-12 Bob Jogger

A rather nice BOB singler jogger, well used but not abused and all ready for another lifetime of moving offspring around.

Bob Jogger

The colors look a little washed out in the image but it looks better IRL. Not sure why that is, we have weird diffuse but string sunlight from haze and clouds.


2020-08-10 UPS

This random little Cyberpower UPs seems to all be in order. I guess we will hook it up and discharge it through load to test it. Probably avilable or going to the list of craig.


Update: It works but the batteries are pretty poor, it only carried a load for 10 minutes or so. We may replace, or not.


2020-08-10 Samsung TV

Continuing the theme of post power outage TV discards, we have here another Samsung, this one model UN55F8000BF. Seems to work fine, as usual shown booting a Pi. It was $1,899.99 new, when it came out and has numerous features.

Samsung TV

There was yet another unit there that I looked at but when testing on the power available in the shed, I could not find the on button. It was some weird non-name brand. I did not bring it home but 50/50 it works.


2020-08-10 HDMI Cable

This HDMI cable clearly delivers superior signal due to the fancy braided cover over the main part of the cable. I can tell. Whatever, at present it seems to be sensible to have a few of these in stock, what with all the TVs and such we are cycling through.

HDMI Cable

2020-08-08 Flat Screens

It seems that where we live people tend to throw away perfectly good working flat screen TVs after a power cut. We are not sure why this is true.

First up some random Samsung 4K TV, maybe 50 inch or something. It was expensive and fancy when new and seems perfectly fine now. Shown here acting as a monitor for a Pi booting up.

Flat Screens

Also another Samsung, maybe 60 inch. This one is older, a plasma display. Basically it is a giant toaster, nobody should ever run one of these in their house, unless as a heating unit that incidentally has pixels. But why would I want my toaster to have an IP address, we hear the luddites wail. Well, to stream netflix is one answer.

Samsung TV

There is always a market for cheap big screens though, and in fact the second one is already sold on the list of craig. It was only up an hour.


2020-08-03 700C Tires

A assortment of 700C road bikes tires, part worn, but perfectly usable.

700C Tires

The ideal application for these is when one gets some random road bike from the trash and the gumwall tires have decayed to nasty crud. Quick upgrade for something like this, functionality and aesthetics are vastly improved at zero cost.


2020-08-01 Tripods

A selection of professional quality camera tripods and light stands. These were found by a friend and we have been using tripods more recently so we took one of them. The big one is a very fancy Manfrotto,we have the smaller tripod.


2020-06-06 Raleigh Hybrid

A Raleigh Technium hybrid bike in somewhat neglected condition. It should clean up to be a good ridable machine but it might not ever excell in the shiny cosmestics department.

Raleigh Hybrid

2020-05-22 Putty Knife

A random broad-ish putty knife type implement. It was found "in a puddle". Not sure if we will use this but it could come in handy. I like the more flexible type.

Putty Knife

2020-05-01 Lenovo G550 Laptop

This random Lenovo G500 laptop had a completely dead hard drive in it. Not detected by Knoppix or anything. That seems like a pretty obvious reason for discard. No problem, we tossed in an old SSD from spares and put Windows 7 on it. It probably runs better now than it has ever done. Now going through a significant pile of patches.

Lenovo G550 Laptop

Probably available to anybody who needs it. Including people made known to use by the list of craig.


2020-04-27 Windscreen Wiper

This is clearly the other wiper from the pair, found by some enterprising young adventurers on a different outing. It was also in the box but now is not, as you can see.

Windscreen Wiper

2020-04-25 Hole Saw

A Lennox hole saw with arbor and a nice light application of rust. The hole saw is shown after cleanup and the arbor untouched.

Hole Saw

This arbor is a shitty cheapo model with no engagement dogs, so we will toss it. But the hole saw has better teeth than the existing model we have of exactly this size, so that is good.


2020-04-23 Windscreen Wiper

A random Rain-X brand windscreen wiper, new in the package. No idea if this fits any car we have access to, but we know somebody who has access to lots more cars.

Windscreen Wiper

2020-04-17 Lenovo Helix

Not sure where we got this thing, castoff or discard of some kind. It is a Lenovo ThinkPad Helix tablet laptop hybrid thingy. Anyway, in order to test it we grabbed a new power supply on ebay and booted it up. Sort of works OK, but it is hard to know if something that run Windows 8 is working or not.

Lenovo Helix

It is branded ThinkPad and UltraBook and all sorts of stuff. Very confusing.


2020-04-14 Henckels Steak Knife

A random Henckels steak knife. Weirdly it was found in a river, but right by a garbage dump. Difficult to know how it ended up there but it was salvaged and cleaned up and has already been used to consume multiple dinners.

Henckels Steak Knife

2020-03-15 A 2x4

A random brand new piece of 2x4 lumber. We often need one or two of these so having a nice straight one in stock is good.

A 2x4

2020-03-01 Toyota Reciever

New in the box and unused Toyota receiver setup. We may have a friend who may need this but if not then off to the list of craig to find a new owner.

Toyota Reciever
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