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2005-09-24 Plastic thingy

One of the Peg-perego strollers from last week was missing a small plastic fastener that holds the liner into the chair. Today we found a later version of the exact same stroller but it had been mangled by a bucket loader. I obtained the little plastic part to fix ours. Now good for ebay or barter....


2005-09-24 Marble top table

A faux marble top table with tastless cheap legs. Has a nice cool pattern on the top so has some camp aesthetic appeal. I suspect it has enough appeal to certain demographics in a certain large city nearby such that we will be able to sell it on. Shown here in the back yard:


2005-09-24 Golf Bag

This was a request, a cheap light golf bag. Some golf courses do not let you play without a bag even if you have no clubs (i.e. sharing with somebody) and hence do not need a bag. This then is for a poor student type of my acquaintance who needs this bag to get on courses with his golfing acquaintances.

golf bag

2005-09-24 Calphalon skillet

Calphalon commercial 10 inch frying pan with anodized finish, or omelet pan as they like to call it. So much more fancy with that name? Is in good shape and just needs a clean.


2005-09-16 Two pushchair thingies

Two Peg-Perego brand strollers, one a twin Tender model and the other a single Milano model. Both appear completish and only need a clean and look over. These may well be traded or sent off to the great marketplace that is ebay.

peg perego strollers

2005-09-16 Optima Battery

An Optima Red top battery. For a price check see here . These batteries are superior in several ways to regualr car batteries and I refuse to use anything but optimas. It looks newish and the sold-on date strip has not been punched out. That means that even if it is dead I can use the 3-year warranty to get a new one. Woohoo! Pic shows it charging, accepting 35amps:


Battery started out at 6.2V and currently is at 12.3V (with charger off of course). Will push a little more in and see if it stays n. Discharge test tomorrow maybe.


2005-09-16 Dell P4

A newish but low end Dell Pentium 4 PC. Specs: 1.7Ghz, 256M Ram, 40G HD, CDRW. It was rather dusty inside but worked fine and booted. Pic shows it open for ministrations from the shopvac and inspection. Note the special medical style wrapping I got on some VGA cables recently, I think they do that so I do not catch a virus from any machine I plug them into. Glad I have that!

dell P4

Reason for discard seems to be marriage, i.e. the two parties involved pooled their computer infrastructure into one machine when moving in together. I think that other machine is a Mac based on the google searches I saw in the cache.

Other things:

This HD is notable in terms of it's lack of porn and some other things. No trace of digital camera use even.


2005-09-10 Jerry Can

A more or less brand new Jerry can. It was by the waste oil displosal and full of used engine oil. I promptly emptied it into the oil thingy and took it home and cleaned it out. It even still had the price sticker on it. Downside of course is that it is a US style jerry can as opposed to NATO standard style, and is somewhat of a cheap knockoff also. Oh well, I bet based on this shiny picture one of you will want it...

jerry can

2005-09-10 Bertrand Russell

A nice little book by Bertand Russell. Could not leave that in the paper recycling, even though I think I already have this book.


2005-09-08 Dell P4

A dell early-ish Pentium 4 PC, specifically a Dimension 8100, missing some internals. Present and correct are power supply, DVD-CDRW, mobo, all chassis and cover parts. Missing memory, cpu (plus heat sink etc) and HD. This is up for grabs if anybody wants it. I have a similar machine here so we can test what is there if you like. Pic:

Dell chassis etc

Any takers; Doug, Bob?


2005-09-02 Dell LCD

A dell lcd monitor in seemingly good order. Missed out on the Pentium 4 Dell machine itself as we were too slow but we got the monitor without the power supply. Fresh power supply purchased in order to restore it to working condition, as evidenced here:

dell monitor

2005-08-28 Freaky Books

A small selection of books rescued from the terrible fate of recycling. Medieval french churches, breastfeeding and drugs/poisons seems like a well-rounded mixtue of topics for weekend reading.


Why do all the breastfeeding and similar books have such offensive covers? Is it due to the mindless exploited consumeristic idiocy that new parents seem to descend into? On a related note, rejected today was a book on pediatrics that seemed to indicate, at least by it's front cover, that all pediatrics is about horrendous deformation and fear-mongering. You would never guess from this book that human offspring just seem to thrive if you do any old reasonable thing to them. We point to most of the world, and the history of the world, as evidence of this conjecture.


2005-08-27 Scoooooter!

Y.A.S, yet another scooter. This is again for the colleague who fancies himself a scooterologist. Note, no connection with the atrocious german techno dude Scooter.

juv mtn bikes

2005-08-27 Schwinn Bike

A schwinn ladies bicycle. Its is nicely made and has some classically good components on it. We fear it is not worth much but it is definitely too nice to be tossed. Any takers out there should speak up, or it will be off to craigslist or some donation mechanism.

schwinn bike

2005-08-27 Keyboard

Random newish compaq keyboard, has a faintly interesting key action on it so it might be given a test in that perpetual search for nice keyboards. Every now and then the keyboard spillage death occurs and hence must have spares.


2005-08-27 Calculus Book

A 2nd Edition copy of Stewart's Calculus, ISBN=053413212X . Obviously the 2nd Ed is not worth a lot due to the vagaries of textbook model-year syndrome. Nice condition but a little written in. This is a canonical book. It was passed around at the pub tonight for everybody to recall old times with this stuff. It is a nice book, not sure what we will do with it.

calculus book

2005-08-27 Bikes for kids?

Two juvenile mountain bikes of moderate quality. One had a broken derailleur cable stop so we pulled one off another bike carcass that was sitting nearby and voila, 'twas fixed. These two will probably go to those of our acquaintance that have offspring about to become the requisite size for these things.

juv mtn bikes

2005-08-21 Dell P4

A Dell Pentium 4 2.66Ghz PC with 40G HD and 256M ram. Side and front covers missing. It did not boot first time but once we reseated the CPU and memory it booted Windows XP. Well, it tried. It took half an hour or so before the spyware had finished fighting with the anti-spyware etc etc. It still was not very usable even after that so we booted up knoppix to see what was going on. Found on the HD:

A bunch of the pictures were of local places we recognised, that was nice and fun. Took a copy of all the interesting stuff and then it will have ubuntu installed and be pressed into service as part of ragtag fugitive fleet for a certain highly parralellizable CPU-intensive task.

Here is a pretty random pic from the HD that nicely illustrates the previous owner's taste in beer and artistic compositional skills. This was shot on a Nikon E4300 apparently.


2005-08-17 iMac

While sitting at a traffic light an iMac 500Mhz was spotted with a half Gig of Ram. Seems to be all present and correct. Readily apparent that previous owner was a smoker (literally that is, the translucent casing is brown in places, not a standard apple colour). Upon investigation we discover 600 iTunes and 800 mp3s. How jolly. The well represented artists in the iTunes dir were:

    301 Compilations
     24 Monade
     22 David Bowie
     21 Dr. Octagon
     18 GZA
     18 Ghostface Killah
     18 Boards Of Canada
     17 Brian Wilson
     15 Elliott Smith
     14 Junior Boys
     14 Beach Boys
     13 Built To Spill
     12 Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
     12 Cocteau Twins
     12 Brigitte Fontaine

Pretty fine, some form of coolness in there.


2005-08-17 Pentium 3

A random Pentium 3 600MHz with memory missing. As I happen to have found two 128M PC100 dimms in an otherwise stripped chassis the other day this is not a problem. Possible donation to worthy cause. Investigation of HD shows it was a child's machine with lots of play software. They obviously had net and caught something nasty as there was a Windows 98 install floppy in the drive when it came into our hands.


2005-08-06 Wibbly Trailor

A trailor. This is really for the neighbour but he asked me to pick it up and bring it home for him as his vehicles currently do not have tow hitches. Due to the fact that we only have NATO pintle tow hitches I just hooked up my trailor and put his inside that. I would not have bothered for myself as I obviously already have a trailor and it makes this one look like a shopping cart; yes yes yes, I am trailor snob. The thing seems to be just fine, wheels run etc. Needs some electrical attention and a quick cleanup.


2005-08-06 Update!

One of the previously mentioned redundant cast iron pans was bartered for a very nice bottle of wine. That went nicely with our hangar steak this evening.


2005-08-06 Tools

A big fat pipe reamer/deburrer in OK shape, a little rusty but fine nevertheless. No pic yet.


2005-08-06 Hot Hose

A nice industrial garden hose. This is especially welcome due to the fact that our existing hose had developed some leaks about half way down about two weeks ago. Previously mentioned hip young dude had tried to fix it with tape of various types but the thing was dying the death of a thousand progressive little tiny holes. The new one had the male end squashed by a car, hence its reason for discard I suspect. I put a new male end on it. It is longer than the old one, far better quality and less kinky. Two out of three is not bad... Shown here with undercar mud cleaning squirter wand attached. Other wand in background is also a recent find.


2005-07-30 Tool Boxes

A tool chest and tool box in rather good shape. Some assorted junk inside but unhappily not a full set of tools. Oh well.

tool chests

2005-07-30 Pan Lid

Also a smallish anodised aluminium pan lid in the style of Calphalon Professional (but not actually that make). Pan was present but was crap and had lots of burnt crud on the bottom. The lid fits on a couple of our receptables and pans, so all is well.


2005-07-30 Cast Iron Cookware

Three non-matching cast iron pans. Pic shows the large Griswold and the Wagner after cleaning and recuring. These will be added to the collection, replacing inferior models. The extras generated by this influx will be split between friends with good cause to need these and maybe an ebay auction for a nice matching set at some stage.

cast iron

2005-07-25 P3

Also a Pentium 3 (socket 462) machine with no memory and no CPU. It does however have lots of dust and crud in it, probably, I hypothesize, its reason for discard. Machine may be resurrected with parts or turned into parts at some stage. HD, DVDrom, CDR and other items all look handy dandy. No pic yet.


2005-07-25 Keg

One funky german keg from the DAB brewery. It has a galvanised steel jacket around a stainless beer capsule at the core. I assume this is to give rigidity and bashproofing at lower cost than an all stainless version. This will be sent to the the local friendly brewer for examination.


2005-07-25 Bike (mostly)

One Giant bike that has been well used but is in very good shape and all complete except for the wheels. It has a nice largish frame, often a problem these days. Will hang that some place until some wheels turn up, in fact I already have one spare wheel I can use for it.

giant bike

2005-07-18 P3

One Pentium 3 800MHz machine, boots XP just fine and displays the contents of the formers owners' lives for all to see. Most entertaining. No time for detailed analysis though as this machine was cleaned up and donated to a hip and trendy young dude of our acquaintance. Because he lives in hip and trendy Pankow we assisted him in doing a silly case mod as well as the Windows 2000/ubuntu setup. Who knows, he may be able to turn this into liquid assets based on its hipness and trendiness? I am sure if you put this in a store in SoHo NYC you could fetch a pretty penny.

silly p3

2005-07-15 Wheelbarrow

One almost new but crappo wheelbarrow. Not sure if it will be returned to source yet.


2005-07-15 Oil Can

Old oil can that used to be used at filling stations. Will fetch a few dollars on ebay maybe, or adorn some friend's garage.

oil can

2005-07-15 Marin Bike

A Marin Mountain bike that was somewhat expensive at some stage. It has 24 gears and disk brakes and front suspension. It is very light. It is missing the two quick release wheel skewer thingies and the derailleur mount is broken. This mount unbolts so I suspect it's probability of successful repair will be high. I further suspect that the derailleur mount broke as the previous owners threw it away, and they did not throw it away because it was broken.

marin bike

2005-07-15 Feuerzangenbowle

A brand-new-in-the-box never used Feuerzangenbowle kit. We, of course, already have the required materials for this fine drink and they are superior. But we shall see what we will do with this one. I am pretty sure the market for these is slim, even on german ebay.


2005-07-15 Books and puter parts

Some assorted books and computer parts, as usual. Some 256M ram sticks, always handy for reviving Pentium 2/3 era machines, and a USB card. Also a complete Chronicles of Narnia set and some Roald Dahl, super.


2005-07-09 Puters

A selection of assorted PC devices, specifically 2x Pentium 2 and 1x Pentium 3. The Pentium 3 will be reconditioned to send off to somebody in need, the Pentium 2 machines will be off to somebody even needier or the cybercafe. The assortment of parts sitting around nearby include a Brooktree TV capture cards and a firewire card plus 2 CD burners. Dell Pentium 2 shown in pic:

dell PII

2005-07-09 Pushchair

A single Maclaren pushchair that, apart from having rather worn rear wheels, will do nicely for the impending offspring. Same make and model as the previous one, just half of such. We may replace those wheels at some stage, shown here after a quick clean with simple green:

maclaren pushchair

2005-07-09 Alice frame

One Alice type backpack frame. It is in near perfect shape (say supergrade to those who know that that means) and will doubtless be used in some project at some stage in the future. Jerry can carrier, mobile hotspot, homemade industrial strength baby-bjorn, whatever.

backpack frame

2005-07-06 Apple IIC

An Apple IIc with most of its original packages and in full working order, as evidenced by the picture. This one may have to go and visit Mr and Mrs Ebay as I certainly have no use for this stuff, modern apples give me enough trouble. Ever tried scp-ing 100k plus files to a G5 Xserve? Ooops.

apple IIc

2005-06-25 Trash Pump

A Honda trash pump. The motor is pretty beat up and might run but I am more interested in the pump part. That, mounted to a PTO would enable me to kidnap entire swimming pools in short order. How useful.

trash pump

2005-06-25 Sediment Bowls

Two matching sediment bowls from some random petrol engine application. They may be pressed into service as shot glasses at some stage, I am not sure. Pic:

sediment bowls

2005-06-25 Pushchair

A twin pushchair of the Maclaren brand. We have no real use for this at present but luckily they seem to go well on ebay.


2005-06-25 Kids' Bikes

Two kids bikes in pretty fine shape. They are both off now to a friend so that his two conveniently sized offspring can upgrade into these bikes from their previous. Weirdness, botn cranks were pretty loose but were easy to tighten. Was this the reason they were tossed we ask?

kids bikes

2005-06-25 Generator

5KW generator that had a sheared crankshaft. A friend is going to try and use just the generator part by mounting it on his truck for PTO sourced 110V AC. Looks in fine condition, better than the photo seems to indicate:


2005-06-22 Sign

A no parking sign sitting in amongst a lot of scrap metal. We have no use for this but I gather certain other groups of people like these. Will save it until such a time as it's potential use or user becomes apparent to me. Failing that the chunky sheet aluminium is great for repairing certain vehicles.


2005-06-17 USB Enclosure

A USB2 enclosure with a 48x cd burner in it, complete with the required funky power supply and a blank CD in the drawer. It is a masterpiece of bad design from the point of view of both form and function, but it does seem to work. Pic:

cd burner

2005-06-17 PC Case

One somewhat recent funky custom-case PC missing everything but the motherboard, CPU and fans. I took it for the special fan that I intend use extending the life on my freshly waranty-returned 320G HD, but the case will be donated to cyber cafe type people.


2005-06-16 Mac boxes

Three mac display boxes with polystyrene inserts. These will be hoarded until some suitable chance comes along to offload them to some mac head in exchange for their hard earned cash. Side note: are there any mac heads who actually do work? I think mostly they spend their days animating desktop thingies and loving one button clickiness.

mac display boxes

2005-06-02 Bench Grinder

A jolly fine bench grinder, 110V AC with good stone and brush on it. The guards around the wheels are very chunky and the whole thing comes from an era when things were built well. Was given to me by a colleague who was clearing out the garage and was going to toss it. Check out his pic of it:

bench grinder

2005-05-31 Thermometer

One Dakon temperature probe that was attached to the side of a largish stainless mixing tub. Tub had been trashed by heavy implements already so I just took the probe. Range 40F to 140F. Seems to work fine.

temp probe

2005-05-25 Dell followup

Some follow up on the Dell PC. The hard drive was a 20G with 16G of crud on it. Some examples of what we found:

All in all a most instructive hard drive. It really gives insight into what normal people do with their machines.


2005-05-11 Dell P3

A Dell Pentium 3 PC with Windows XP on it. Fully functional, such that XP can ever be termed functional, boots right up and logs right in. It might well be the case that an exploration of the "My Documents" chaos will appear here as followup. Meantime, a snapshot of the outside. Dude, I've got a Dell.

Dell Pentium 3

2005-05-07 Stainless Shelf

A nice commercial grade stainless steel shelf. It has a couple of dings but they will hammer out. The edges are nicely welded and finished. Now we just need a place to put it.

stainless shelf

2005-05-07 Roller Table

A skate roller table of about 7 or 8 foot length. Not immediately useful but I am sure we can come with either a happy recipient or a use for it. It has been suggested that we use it as a creeper. It does run somewhat well down the driveway but that path leads to the dark side.....

roller table

2005-04-16 Wireless Print Server

Yet another wireless print server thingy. Off to the great Ebay marketplace for this as we have no use for it, the previous one went down pretty well so we have high hopes for this:

wireless print server

2005-04-16 Wireless Mouse

A logitech wireless mouse. Luckily it came in a box of junk with lots of fresh batteries so we were able to test it immediately and it is now in use fulltime in its new home. Happy stuff. Shown here with a random Belkin 802.11b card that came with it, that will be sold on to some Mac user at some stage.

wireless mouse

2005-04-16 Scooter trike?

A preposterous scooter thingy that seems quite dangerous if the rider is over a certain mass. If the rider mass is too great the steering mechanism seems to become a quite unstable equilibrium and dump said rider face first into the tarmac. We do not think this is purely a generation gap or skill thing as the lighter members of the test team were able to maintain some straight line travel. Lighter in terms of mass, not skin colour. In fact darker skin colour seemed to be better based on our small sample size of two.


2005-04-16 Network Gear

Lots of stuff today, first a pile of networking gear including nice ethernet cables, a 10/100 8-port switch and some other assorted stuff. Pics shows some of it:

network stuff

2005-04-16 Junk Assortment

A pile of assorted junk including some tools, PC memory, AC adaptors, valid credit cards, driving license, silver cigarette case and other rubbish. Not sure what we will do with all this but the shears make great credit card choppers, lots of leverage. We may laugh at people for throwing this stuff away but we are not so unkind as to let their stupidity enable ID theft.

AC stuff

2005-04-16 Books

Two books, a photographers guide thingy and an O'Reilly pocket guide to Oracle crud. I think the photo book will form some nice present for some teenage family member and the O'Reilly guide for some colleague who has to deal with the horrors of Oracle against their will.

Oracle Guide
Photo Book

2005-04-10 Mystery Cookware

Cast iron tray thingy for cooking some thing that we are not quite sure about. Eggs maybe? Suggestions please. Maybe you will even win the thing if you come up with a plausible enough answer? Shown here:


2005-04-10 Muffin Tins

Cast iron muffin thingies. We have no immediate use for these so one went to a neighbour and a couple more to a friend on permanent loan. Pic of the two we cleaned up for the colleague:

muffin tins

2005-03-22 iMac

iMac 400MHz, in full working order with OS-9 installed (is that an oxymoron?). Pic possible to appear but you know what these things look like by now.


2005-03-22 Mini Bike

Stupid miniature bike thingy that was in need of a chain. We hence procured a chain and proceded to ride the thing around to try to figure out the purpose for which it was built. We have so far failed in this quest? Everybody please, why does this thing exist?? Shown below being ridden by 7 month pregnant woman, but I fail to accept that this is its intended purpose.

small bike

2005-02-26 iMac

One 400MHz iMac missing HD and memory, What a shame. It is the disgusting blueberry colour though so I am not very predisposed towards this thing to start with. May form part of a job lots of mac junk for sombody


2005-02-26 Small Pan

One small all-clad , sans lid, from the LTD range of pans. In OK condition, needed cleaning. Now a happy member of our kitchen.


2005-02-26 Dell PC

One small form factor Dell PC, missing a hard drive. I had a special request for crappo machines plus parts from an acquantaince the other week so this will be great for that. It is a Pentium 3, socket style, but is super low end. After putting in a new (old) cdrom knoppix booted ok, all the various hardware checks out. This and a pile of parts will be handed over at some stage.

small dell

2005-02-26 Cast Iron Cookware

A set of three Wagner cast iron skillets, newish ones unfortunatly. Also a made-in-USA deep skillet of indeterminate manufacturer. The Wagners are available if anybody wants them, but the deep skillet , I guess "chicken fryer" is it's technical designation, is cleaned and cured and ready to cook. It went to visit Mr Hitachi Grinder in the basement and then had a vinegar steam bath before being heated with some oil.

chicken fryer

2005-02-15 Mac Keyboard

Yet another full mac keyboard. This one does not appear to have had the coca cola rinse treatment but has some dirt in it. Will be useful for something, even if only ebay amusement purposes.


2005-02-12 Paper Shear

A paper shear in excellent condition. Looks to be of very high quality but very simple, from a time when such things were important. 1950s Cold War American engineering.

paper shear

2005-02-12 Knives

Two Hoffritz Knives and sharpening stone. How convenient. They are not the best in the world but will be handy at some stage. They are even not very blunt. Question: Were they just used in a grisly murder before being thrown away?


2005-02-12 HP Printer

One HP Scanjet 4100Cse scanner, new in the box, never been unwrapped. The box was still mostly sealed with original tape. Fine stuff. Not worth a lot except as a cheap scanner but when you need a cheap scanner you need a cheap scanner.


2005-02-12 Food tray

A restaurant style stainless steel food tray, we have one already but now we have two. This is slightly thinner material than the other (booooo, hisss!).

stainless food

2005-02-12 Candle sticks

A pair of random pewter candle sticks, Made in India. Of no particular value or usefullness apart from the fact that we often get power cuts and have nothing to hold our candles in. We suspect they were thrown away because the candle burned out, we seem to meet to quite a few people with that mindset.


2005-02-12 Books

Two random books. We left the huge pile of Grishams and just came away with these.


2005-02-07 Garden Furniture

Seemingly 3/4 of a set of garden furniture in very good condition. Our previous set is getting some saggy butt holes in the load bearing areas so these will be pressed into service when Gin and Tonic season hits.

garden chairs

2005-02-07 Cast iron skillet

Yet another cast iron skillet, this one a somewhat old wagner 10.5 inch. Probably to be traded for something as we already have one this size. Pictured after a good wirebrushing, acid treatment and recuring.

cast iron

2005-01-29 USB Keyboards

Four USB keyboards, three of which were Mac knockoff style. These are very handy when selling off surplus iMacs, for example. And only this morning we were remarking on our current deficit in this type of item. How fortuitous. Three shown here in the pic:

usb keyboards

2005-01-29 Pipe Tools

Somebody tossed their pipe-fitting kit. I left the pipe threader (too primitive and rusty) and made off with the nice Ridgid Chain wrench, seen here before cleanup:

chain wrench

In addition I picked up their pipe vise, after a swift cleanup they both worked fine, vise seen here:

pipe vise

2005-01-20 Cast iron pan

Yet another cast iron pan, corrugated base even. This one has made its way to the house next door after testing and curing. No pic, but you know what it look like after the last one, see below.


2005-01-15 iMacs

A large selection of iMacs, cast off from some very well know TV show production crew. HDs wiped (kudos to them) but many (variously) functional machines present, one example shown booted and running:

iMac 500

2005-01-12 Scales

A Seca medical/bathroom style scale that seems to work and is fairly nice. This will henceforth be employed for ebay shipping weight determination and for assessing the mass of people as we did not, prior to this point, have such a device.


2005-01-10 Mac Keyboard

One nice white Mac keyboard. Previous owner stated that spillage of noxious acidic corn sugar laden liquid had terminated functionality of said device.


Quick cleanup and it worked fine, the one it replaced being genuine Apple (but without the numpad keys) it went to see Mr Ebay and returned useful cash.


2004-12-31 Kegs

Four stainless steel 40 pint soda kegs. I am not sure what you can do to make these things really useful (i.e. how you can use them for beer) but we shall see. Pic of one of them here about to celebrate new year:


Fine stuff.


2004-12-30 Mac Box

A very silly looking iBook 500Mhz box complete with styrofoam inserts and cardboard. There is no iBook inside of course but the idiocy of Mac users guarantees a return for the small investment of picking it up and carrying it home.

ibook box

2004-12-30 Dell P4 Parts

Dell Pentium 4 1.8GHz PC stripped except for case, power supply, CPU, heatsink. As we were roving happily sans transport and tools at the time we just took the cpu and heatsink. Update: CPU is now deployed to fix a friend's machine that had somehow developed a bad CPU. Heatsink is a paperweight.


2004-12-24 Mac CDs

Two sets of Mac OS 10.3.3 install plus software restore plus extra software CDs for iBook G4s. These are unopened and in super condition, pic shows one ready for its appearance on ebay, there are usually a few .


Dell 20 inch CRT. Gentleman discarding it admitted he got a flatscreen for xmas. I suspect there will be substantial pickings next week.


2004-12-18 P3

A Micron 733MHz with 128M RAM and a 20G disk. Full working order except that that the memory was in slot number 2. After moving it to slot number 0 the thing booted. Added ethernet (to avoid use of crappy on board ethernet) and modem for export, re-installed and updated and everybody is happy. I hate windows. This will find a home with some grateful punte.

micron 733

2004-12-18 Mountain Bike

A "Rock Grinder" mountain bike. One pedal has broken frame, must have been that grinding on rocks. Otherwise everything is present and correct. We rode it around a bit before putting it in storage for sale next year.


2004-12-18 Cast iron pan

A cast iron pan with corrugated base. Pic shows it with our partially cooked roast lamb in it after a good clean and high temperature re-curing. It did not come with the lamb of course, we bought that and put it in after cleaning.

ribbed cast iron

2004-12-10 Fruity

A stupid ersatz slot machine that is very annoying. This may be donated to a household we wish to annoy.


2004-12-10 Calphalon Pan

While we are not really on the subject here is Calphalon 4 quart sauce pan that we picked up a while ago. Somebody had burnt some food on the bottom, so we cleaned it off and Bob's your uncle, a rather nice addition to the kitchen.


2004-11-28 Old Mac

The latest in what seems to be a veritable tsunami of Mac junk, a 233MHz G3 mac tower that had been upgraded to 466MHz G4 with 768M RAM and a 60G HD plus burner. These upgrade parts are fascinating to play with for about 10 minutes, then we get rid of them to rabid mac-heads.


2004-11-24 iMac

One seemingly good-order iMac 400MHz. We currently have two of exactly this model, one running OS X and one running Ubuntu PPC, so will not be hanging on to this. Missing all the bottom of the case. We got it working but not worth selling like this, will part it out. Pic shows it with the nice USB optical mouse we got also. Keyboard did not come with.

imac and mouse

2004-11-24 P3

One Pentium 3 800Mhz PC, to be investigated more closely at a later date.


2004-11-19 Bike

A racing style bike made by panasonic. Does not turn off when I use my tv-b-gone on it, unlike their TVs. Pic of it before chain oiling etc:


2004-11-18 Scooooooter

One juvenile scooter. A friend is building some form of monster scooter and will get this for the parts.

purple scooter

2004-11-18 Old Mac

One mac clone with Sonnet 400Mhz upgrade card, SCSI CD burner and fast SCSI HD, boots OK into OS 9 but what use is that? I have run OS X on crappier macs than this but do not intend to do that on this one. Parts or some other disposal. Memory on top came from even crappier genuine mac that was nearby.

sonnet mac clone

2004-10-30 Motor Update

Motor turns out to have burnt winding. Severe bummer that one, but I guess I will keep looking. It is alleged to be fixable but I bet for more than I will pay.


2004-10-30 Gateway P3

One Gateway Slot 1 Pentium 3 500MHz with no HD and no memory. Off to the cybercafe with that one.


2004-10-30 Duct Tape

One roll of very good duct tape just sitting there in the middle of the street. Crazy.


2004-10-28 Old Mac

One PowerMac G3 P.O.S. Its two virtues are that it might be entertaining to install linux on this thing and that these things seem to go on ebay for 100 USD or more. We shall see.

powermac g3

2004-10-28 Dell Pentium 2

One Dell Pentium 2 450MHz PC with not much on the HD. Now has been refreshed and turned around to become a surfing machine for somebody in need.


2004-10-28 3-phase motor

One largish 3-phase motor, I think about 2-3hp, shown next to a wine bottle for scale . I think it has bad bearing but not sure yet. This is of course is the ideal starting point for a single to three phase converter and something I have been seeking for the past short while, since I found that 3-phase drill press in fact. Seek and ye shall find!


Update: One burnt field means this is scrap. The search continues.


2004-10-23 Two P2s

Two Pentium 2 machines. One a Compaq P.O.S 400MHz PC with Firewire, the other a Dell 300 MHz. Both yielded immensely entertaining data examination of the HDs. One guy used Napster then Kazaa for his family media needs but Limewire for his porn needs. Very interesting, some of the porn filenames were veritable keyword aggregators.

Second guy had a few hundred mp3s and some wierd porn images hidden in strange cache-like places. Seemed to be using a lot of ftp sites with such software as CuteFTP. Took a copy of all this and archived. Also, the lady of the household was in the habit of replying to spammers and (seperatly) committing very sensitive financial and identity related infomation to email. When she went into hospital to expunge their new offspring from her body she required that she be able to use her laptop with headphones to be able to watch DVDs and listen to music during labor. Classy.

Talking point: If I pull mp3s off a discarded hard drive and save them is it legal? First sale doctrine ? I certainly extract and re-use Windows license keys in the spirit of this principle.

The Compaq is now part of a cyber cafe and the Dell is reconditioned and ready for delivery to somebody who needs it.


2004-10-21 Bin

One galvanized rubbish bin. Actually there were three but I only took one as I have a few already. How strange is it to find an almost new rubbish bin in the rubbish, rather than rubbish in the rubbish bin? Pic of it on the lawn (currently the part of our property that most needs a bin):


2004-10-15 Puter Parts

One 8G HD and a bunch of quite good video cards. Who knows what I will find on the HD and where the videos cards will end up?


2004-10-02 Tools and stuff

Managed to save the contents of a garage before they went into a dumpster. First items, a selection of vise grips and clamps useful for welding:


These also came with lots of welding rod and some power cords and stuff. Next item, two sheet metal brakes, one 3 foot or so and the other 6 inch. Quality is not fabulous but will do just fine for things like making stainless steels fuel tanks and such. Longer one is shown here with table scroll saw that was also in need of a home. Scroll saw may find its way to ebay or some other good home. I have very little use for one of those.

brake and saw

Two craftsman sanders, crappy-ish but should work OK when I need such sanders. One is belt sander and the other is a larger random orbital type.


Yet more tree branch loppers also, these ones very big and chunky but taiwanese iffy quality. These may be traded for a nice bottle of wine. No pic for now.

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