The Stuff Page: Things that ended up tossed but that seem like they have another life ahead of them.
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A pretty fancy folding golf bag trolley that we think might be useful for a friend. That or scrap aluminium. Rotate your vision -π/2 for the pic:
An Instep Safari TT double jogger in fine usable shape. Comes with 5 point harness, seat liners (not shown in pic), folds easily, peek-a-boo window, locking front wheel swivel etc etc. Some sun damage, a couple of screws loose and air required in the pneumatic road contact devices. No real reason for discard. Available or destined for the list of craig.
Some rags to hang on the offspring as they grow, mostly just for legal reasons as we see no reason to demand they wear clothes. Note they are draped over the chair recently featured here, said chair has entered arduous service in the outdoor zone quite sucessfully.
A Peg Perego Venezia pushchair that seems to be in very nice condition and has loads of features. A quick cleanup and it is good for the list of craig or other outlets.
A pretty nice single jogger, InStep brand, 5k model. It has a digital odometer/speedometer and is in near perfect condition with hood and all that stuff. This will be sold off as we do not need it.
A Graco Duo glider stroller in nice shape. These are a reliable commodity around here so it will be turned into ale and victuals via the intermediate step of cash from a person introduced to us via the list of craig.
A little patio fireplace thingy. This has some potential usefulness to us so we may well try it out in the bottom of the garden in the late night patio area.
The first one examined from that large pile of bikes is a Trek 820, it has been used, needed some air in the tyres and a clean but seems fine. It will be a great the list of craig station bike sale, of maybe for JP? JPR not JPL.
A selection of random mountain bikes in need of some tuneup etc. They all look complete. The two Treks at the back are the best but all will make fine station bikes for some happy commuters. More info later on these as we investigate.
Update: See other entries more recently for details on the actual bikes but three are sold and the other is out to a summer student. Fine stuff.
A Schwinn Stingray badged Orange County Choppers. It is amazing how somebody could take something as useful as a bike and turn it into something as pointless and crap as this. It is pretty hard to ride, at least for people of our build and sensibilities, but is otherwise in OK shape modulo the rust spots on the chrome.
A big nonstick Calphalon frying pan, or omelet skillet as they like to call it. This has the non-stick coming off so we are going to return this for a new one and who knows what we will do with that one. Present your worthy cause....
A large brass lamp that is remarkable for its size but not especially for its form. This is for a friend who values such things, we hope.
A Kool-Stride double jogger in OK shape and delicious purple colouring. It needed only air in the tyres and it is ready to be off to the list of craig.
A Stainless steel slop sink that seems in pretty fine condtion. Obviously somebody had it in a garage sale and nobody wanted it for the advertised price of ten currency units, how sad. This may be deployed in the rennovation of our basement washing area, we will see. Previously we had been looking for large double deep stone or ceramic slop sink for this area but now who knows what we will do.
Now we have that sinking feeling.
The chair was glued and screwed and cleaned and oiled. It seems too red to be teak, it may be mahogany or some such. But here it is so you can see for yourself:
Update: This chairs seems to have been named Egbert. It needs a name as it seems to appear in the background of so many subsequent pictures on this page.
We cleaned the rusty Wagner from yesterday but then got sidetracked by a prior find, a slant logo Griswold with heat ring, and the other no-name pan from yesterday. Here they are after a good clean and an initial cure. Both are sort of available if you convince us you are a good cause.
Meantime the Wagner has to wait a while.
A tennis ball floinking machine. We had one of these that we sold on the list of craig but this one has a power cord and AC power and hence is more conducive to immediate fun. It works fine and can function as garden artillery.
A hardwood chair and small table for outdoor usage. We get the feeling that the damage they seem to have sustained occurred upon discard. Attempts will be made to fix them as they seem worth it. A spot of glue, some clampage and some nailgun action should suffice. Pic shows the chair being glued and screwed, note the clamps all appeared on this page at some time.
A Compaq 2.8Ghz Celeron machine with a 40G HD and 256 M RAM. Boots XP, for what it is worth. This is a HP compaq and it still seems to have crappo Compaq issues, once stable it may have some cycles to offer. It has been converted to a Pentium 4 2.8Ghz (using a CPU from the trash). CDrom issues holding us up on the forensics front. Watch this space......
Update: Bartered for a bunch of beer, the social kind of beer of course. Not just a bunch of beer, that would be crass.
Yet more cast iron pans, a Wagner with heat ring and some random no-name but "Made in USA" thing. Wagner is rusty but we aim to fix that, pic shows the crusty rusty Wagner hanging out on the stove.
A Giant ladies' mountain bike. Before you ask, no, not the bike that this woman rides:
...but in fact a Giant brand Acapulco model bike that is marketed towards females. It is of not so great quality. It seems functional after a couple of tweaks, one of which involved a large hammer and a vise. We already have a possible taker for this, people want simple ridable bikes for some reason.
An offspring amusement device that shows much promise. We will see what occurs when the offspring returns from overseas and checks it out.
A friend had his rear tyre slashed on his beater bike, and rather than fixing the tube and getting a new tyre it is much easier just to get a whole new rear wheel. Shown here with a random seat and pole that came with.
Attending an event involving the cooking of numerous things outdoors, we took a bunch of random cast iron, some of which has been featured on this page, some not yet. We found recipients for some of it, then we cured the whole lot on the large open cooking fire and used some of it for actual cooking. An excellent scaled cleanup.
An Acer table/laptop thingy with XP installed and sort of working fine, the only problem seens to be an intermittant connection in the powersupply connector. Despite its many claimed features we have no use for it.
A Dell XPS gaming laptop with hyperthreaded 3.4 GHz cpu, 1G RAM etc. It booted but had a bad GPU which was part of the motherboard and hence not easily fixable, that was probably the reason for discard. It also had a chewed power cable that had been bodge fixed with some tape. We sold the carcass off to somebody who has the time and inclination to care. The pic does not do it justice, it is boat anchor in laptop form factor.
A stainless steel restaurant food prep table that appeared to have been discarded in curbside garbage by a well known (but not good) restaurant. It had some skanky tape on the top and a bunch of scratches but there is no apparent reason for discard. Shown here after a good clean and a light sanding to take out some scratches from the surface. Prospective future uses include the sushi bar at an outdoor wedding and some form of useful loadbearing function in an art thingy?
It is bloody heavy, in case you are thinking of borrowing it.
A Brother Sewing machine complete in the box. It has been lightly used, if at all, and so far tests OK. This was a request by a friend, and sure enough within a week we had found a nice one. This posting is also belated, we got it a while ago but only got the pic from the new owner recently.
A twin Baby Jogger Q series. This is a pretty fancy jogging stroller, the folding action is well worth the price and complexity. It had been run over by its previous owner but it was very simple to fix the broken frame piece. Despite all its features, it is however, too wide for our local railway station door, hence off it goes on the list of craig.
A Dell Pentium 4 1.7Ghz PC with 256M RAM and no HD. Previous owners had a clue we guess. Works fine, boots Knoppix fine so there is no apparent reason for discard except possibly that they had too many infections on that HD we did not see.
Update: Refurbished with a HD and some extra memory from stock and sold on the list of craig because we have way too many Pentium 4 machines lying around at present. Pic is actually the pic used to sell.
A random Jamis mountain bike, pretty nice condition, still had air in the tyres etc. Quickly cleaned up ready for presentation to its new owner on the list of craig.
Also a slightly junkier and more primative model, a Redline (whoever they are) with a nasty paint job. It had a bent front wheels and some issues but a spare from stock and some tuning and it is good to go. Would make a good "station bike".
Update: The Jamis sold on the list of craig and spawned inquiries that sold the Royce Union and the blue Trek. Handy dandy.
A G5 iMac 1.8GHz with some issues. One issue is that it does not power up but the other is that somebody has made some weird USB modification on it involving drilling a hole in the case. Investigation will ensue.
Update: The weird USB mod was a Troll Touch touch screen modification. We opened up the machine and observed various things upon attempted boot. After disconnecting the HD it booted fine. Upon reconnecting the HD it booted fine. Take it apart and put it together again, our favourite problem solving method. The machine was used as a kids' machine we think. A few iTunes on it (Julie Andrews, Johnny Cash, Peter Paul and Mary etc) but not much else.
A WMF cocktail set. Complete except for the jigger stick thingy. Some of the implements are quite nice so we may use them at some stage. We do not use measures anyway so we do not care about the missing piece. Shown on top of the stainless BBQ that made an appearance here but recently got cleaned up(it had some nasty gunk on the top).
In the same box were these glasses. Not the finest in the world but given the breakage rate in our service a welcome addition to the random glass cupboard.
A nice Trek mountain bike of middling quality. The shifters were a little sticky in p[laces, that seems to have been the reason for discard. Pretty much ready for a new owner now.
A very similar but slightly lighter Royce Union. Nothing wrong with this at all except for some rust spots on some components. It has super cheapo brake caliper thingies but the bike rides nicely.
Update: Sold by the Jamis ad on the list of craig.
Shown in the pics below a small assortment of handy things. One strange cast iron pan suitable for donation to friends, one tap wrench that seems very nice, one random crude chisel, a bike chain (required for the Peugeot) and the floor wand from a Miele vacuum cleaner. All of it fairly useful.
Update: Pan donated to people who cook, the tap wrench is really nice to use, and some relatives just happened to need the floor wand for a Miele.
A high chair in good condition suitable for positioning the offspring for food ingestion. This will be for a friend who has need of such.
Not a particularly special device but somewhat handy, a Graco Duo Glider stroller. All present and correct and just needs a quick clean. Somebody will want this, craisglist may introduce us to them in due course.
A selection of 2x6 wood, excellent material for our next replacement window project. You know what a 2x6 looks like, if not see prior 2x4 pics and extrapolate.
A chunky and not so inelegant cast iron radiator for use with steam or water. Pretty fine, about 27x27x7 inches.
A lamp thingy that seems to be for photo studio use. It is very bright and seem to have uses beyond those it was intended for.
A Dell Pentium 4 1.4GHz laptop with 256M RAM, 20G HD in fine condition. When powered on it turned out to have a BIOS password, which is hard to get around. After consulting the interwebs we found the chip on the motherboard containing said password and flashed it with a paper clip as instructed. This involved a moderate amount of dismantlement and a painful period of reading chip IDs. Once flashed we were able to boot the installed XP then a more useful knoppix CD for the purposes of investigation. Machine works fine, though the fan is both loud and often on. Salient points on HD (which was not obviously not encrypted):
311 Compilations 119 Dave Matthews Band 62 The Beatles 28 Pearl Jam 25 Led Zeppelin 18 U2 16 James Taylor 14 Weezer 14 Dave Matthews 13 Alanis Morissette 12 Billy Joel 11 Sarah McLachlan 9 Janet Jackson 8 Metallica 8 Jessica Simpson 8 Fiona Apple 7 TLC 7 Phish 7 Mariah Carey 6 Vanessa Carlton
A scrap yard full of cast iron pans of various types. One super nice Griswold with italic logo and heat ring, some nice Wagners and some no-names. All in all some good functional stuff. Some already promised but siome still available.
.An iMac 800Mhz in fine shape, obviously used by the offspring of a household. Disk contains:
342 Compilations 97 Blink-182 64 Unknown Artist 34 The Ataris 33 David Tao 32 Jock Jams 29 the get up kids 29 Counting Crows 28 Original Broadway Cast Recording 28 Less Than Jake 25 Orishas 24 Elephant Man 23 Hall & Oates 23 Good Charlotte 22 James Taylor 22 Green Day 21 Red Hot Chili Peppers 21 Queen 21 Living Colour 21 John Mayer
114 Compilations 26 Pink Floyd 20 James Taylor 20 Frank Sinatra 18 Queen 18 Elvis Presley 16 Red Hot Chili Peppers 15 Jimi Hendrix 13 Van Halen 11 Led Zeppelin 11 Guess Who 10 Lynyrd Skynyrd
Knowing we have more framing and stuff to fiddle with, these seems to be most handy. Four 2x4 planks that are seemingly quite new.
A tool case, specifically the case for a Ryobi circular saw. This seems to house a stray router quite nicely so it will be pressed into service.
A couple of pristine Radio Flyer wheeled offspring amusement devices. First the little truck thingy:
Also a classic trike with tassels. Certain nearby offspring found these quite attractive.
8 legs for a common and useful shelving system, we took the best four. They had some fancy castors on them but no sign of the shelves or the little collets you need to hang the shlves on the legs. These are for a friend with storage needs.
A cast iron thingy that allows one to bake things in the shapes of various animals. Wow! It has seemingly never been used. This will be donated to somebody who might have a use for it.
.A bunch of brass switch covers, mostly of them OK and one ornately ugly. These are for a neighbour who may have need for such.
This is a cheapo junky pipe wrench but will be handy to keep in a car or some such place where it might provie of crucial usefullness one day.
A Mac G4 tower missing HD but full of memory. THis will be invesitgated for its usefuless but we suspect it is getting a bit old to be anything but fanboy fodder.
A random travelling bag that has a couple of rips but is otherwise in very usable shape. This will be stored for the next visiting European to use to take all their swag home with. Now the US really does have monopoly money we expect more surgical shopping strikes to pass through and require extra bags for homeward transportation.
A tie down that presumably literally fell off the back of a lorry. It will come in handy for our trailor. Note this is genuine "stuff" because even though the owner lost it they threw it away by not coming back for it.
We got a modern Schwinn racing style bike a while ago and recently found the parts to fix it up. The handlebars were rusty and drop style, not popular and not nice. We put on some straight bars and old schwinn sparkly grips and gave the thing a clean up and voila. This may already have a home waiting for it.
A Griswold No9 skillet in excellent condition. This one is nicer than ours in certain details so we will use this and pass our existing Griswold No9 on. Shown here after cleaning and a light cure at 450F.
An anonymous cast iron skillet marked only "8" on the handle and "8-" underneath". It has a nicely shaped handle, very nice interior and a heat ring so this will displace our prior skillet of this size, a Wagner. Again the Wagner will find a home with a worthy kitchen, after all we have been breaking it in for a few years now.....
A Griswold baster dutch oven with wire handle. The lid has the handle broken off, such a shame. This is a possible donation as we are not sure we need this. Pic shows it in gloriously unrestored state, though note that the previous two looked like this a short while before their pictures were taken. Most of the appearance problems stem from a weird dusty coating. The lid on this is a beautiful casting.
Some bike stuff, we need to replenish stock to that we can sell to the hipsters for the spring bike awakening. No pics yet.
A Kelty Jogging Stroller in fine condition. This is an interesting artifact in that is a full jogging stroller, with better standard features than most but it folds like a Maclaren stroller. It is way superior on features to almost every other jogger out there. Surplus to our requirements but it will make a blazing appearance on craigslist.
Small form-factor DVD player that also plays endless other alphabet soup formats. Complete with manual and remote. This is of course pretty useless to us but is a standing request from somebody in need of one. (Yours Russ, just get it out of our house!).
A pile of books, nothing too thrilling but some OK stuff there. Mythology book for anthro-prof friend, Linux book for the next noob that asks me about Linux, wine book for some vinophilic friends, some of them to read and some for reference.
A fancy shiny Peg Perego baby seat for use in those newfangled automobiles. This is a good seat in excellent condition and it arrives just in time, sort of. It was not even very dirty but it got a good wash anyway. It came with the base but that is not shown in the pic:
Small cast iron radiator, usable for water or steam. Available until it sells on the list of craig.
A nice shiny green jogging stroller, all complete and ready to go. It is a bit of a strange shape in the area that is in immediate contact with the offspring's butt, but there you go. It does seem to work though and no apparent reason for discard. Craigslist for this.
A Gateway 40 inch TV/monitor. It has some issues, often there is fuzzy ghosting all over it especially at startup, but this pic shows it perfectly clear. We will probe its precise deficiencies and see if it can be used.
A colleague found some RAID arrays being tossed, and inside were 60 or so seemingly good 120G Western Digital hard drives. Now we would not want to use these in a RAID type application now, much easier just to go buy 7 1TB drives. But for random machines that need a new HD or an extra 120G or sneaker drives, they seem just fine. We will test them as we use them, you may also if you need one.
No investigation of drive content here for several obvious reasons. Sorry.
A wooden FAO Schwarz rocking horse in OK shape. It seems to function quite well as an offspring amuser so it will be deployed in the offspring amusement device zone.
A roll of plastic drop cloth. Super handy!
Three Dell Pentium 4 PC machines all seemingly complete and in good order, they were all dumped off by the same guy. Jumping ahead, they all seem to come from the office of a "fund of funds manager".
First one is a hyperthreading 2.8Ghz 512M RAM with an 80G HD. No reason for discard, boots to XP fine. The following summarizes their computer usage:
28 disturbed 14 blue october 12 nickelback 11 vertical horizon 10 pink 10 maroon 5 10 concrete blonde 9 vast 9 queen 9 pm dawn 9 my chemical romance 9 house of pain 9 him 9 fall out boy 8 toad the wet sprocket 8 korn 8 blake lewis
The next one is also a Dell hyperthreading machine, 2.6Ghz, 512M RAM, 80G HD. It seems to function well with no apparent reason for discard. Only 15G or so of the disk used. Salient points include:
Next machine is a Dell Pentium 4 1.6Ghz 384M RAM with a 20G HD. No apparent reason for discard, seems to work fine. Though obviously if you are going to toss the above machines this one is going to go also.
The 2.8 benchmarked 12300 secs vs an existing machine's 15600 secs, and hence will be pressed into service.
A Calphalon 8.5 qt dutch oven. Missing the lid and the finish on the inside so this is set for a warranty return. It might even be a keeper as we do not have one quite like this.
A cast iron Griswold Oval Roaster, number 3. This will be just fine for roasting ornithological specimens of a certain size that happen to fall into our food chain, namely chickens and ducks. We had chicken last night in fact and though the thing was nicely roasted in the deep cast iron chicken fryer we were wishing for a proper oven roaster. Well, here it is. The more astute amoung you will have already recognized the pans in the background from their prior starring appearances on this page. Note that the roaster has only had one initial cure after its clean, it will soon turn black like the others.
This is not really available, if you want one they are hard to find but there is one here, at least at the time of writing.
Two nice cast iron radiators, set up for steam but usable for water. People we know often need these things and if nobody we know happens to right now, the interwebs are usually kind enough to introduce us to new people who need them. How nice.
Update: Sold on craigslist to some guy who bought a repossessed house from a bank which had had all its radiators removed. Cheeky.
A Peg Perego Pliko folding stroller in good shape. It has been used but is certainly fine enough to make its way up onto the list of craig. This model was our stroller of choice for a while, especially while travelling. It folds in two dimensions, had reclining seat back, 5 point harness etc etc. Also it is not junky, the earlier Peg Peregos tended to get very brittle after a while but this generation seem to age better.
A Dell pizza box style PC, 128M RAM 700Mhz celeron, 10G HD, seemingly in good order, 1st Grade maths CD still in the drive. In keeping with first impression the machine had nothing but kids software on it. No evidence of having been connected to the net, no surfing detritus etc. Oh well, I guess this was a valid use for a machine, just not very interesting for us. Available if you have a use for such, it runs quietly and could be used for some appliance task.
A couple of Pentium 4 PC seemingly complete. First one is HP and has a pretty randomized HD, good job previous owner on wiping. People are learning, upon booting the CDrom makes funny noises and we get a "hot dust" smell. It may need attention.
Second one is a small form factor Dell, 2.4 Ghz, 256M RAM, 40G HD. Bob, you want this? Here is a list of salient data from the HD:
My Documents% xl2txt Passwords.xls | cut -f 1 -d"|" SHEET:Sheet1 Numbers / Passwords Smith Barney Vanguard Chaseonline American Express Fidelity ATP Yahoo Fin IBD AIM Modem WSJ Pension/ Hewitt Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless/DSL Wireless sync HP Tech Support Compusa Support M
10 Annie Lennox 13 Beat Positive 12 BeBe & CeCe Winans 9 Black Box 11 Bonnie Raitt 13 Collective Soul 113 Compilations 10 Crosby, Stills & Nash 11 Dave Matthews Band 12 Deee-Lite 7 Eric Clapton 45 James Taylor 11 Natalie Merchant 17 Red Hot Chili Peppers 13 Shawn Mullins 10 Stephen Stills 15 Steve Winwood 12 Susan Tedeschi 8 The Allman Brothers Band 13 The Pretenders 12 U2 13 Young MC
A bedside lamp with a remotely steampunk air to it. It had no bulb in it but one was procured and inserted and it worked. This is now fulfilling its purpose next to a new bed.
A substantial roll of folded drop plastic for curtaining off areas under construction, and other such tasks. Convenient really, this will be used for the next set of replacement windows we put in. The roll is only 14 inches wide or so but the plastic folds out into a larger sheet.
A small piece of brass that is the perfect size to make a new striker plate for a door that happens to be in need of one. No pic, you know what a small piece of brass looks like. Same door that got the mahogany earlier.
A couple of pieces of mahogany showed up just as we were working on our front entranceway. The step/saddle/threshhold was junk so we tossed it and some form of custom made thing seemed in order. Voila, the materials (or most of them) showed up. From pickup time to install was less then three hours, a good turnaround.
A Tivo Series 2. This is untested and uninvestigated, watch this space. We have had several requests for these so if it works this should find a home pretty quickly.
Update: Tivo seems to work but does not have lifetime subscription on it (booo!) and we do not have the remote. All boring, sorry, no screenshots yet. It will be used by the Z dudes in some capacity we suspect.
A selection of laptop accessories including two base stations and some power supplies and such. A nice USB wheelmouse also. Shown, the two docking stations, which may end up on ebay as people seem to like these things there.
A Kenwood 5CD and DVD changer, supports MP3 etc. This is more potential fodder for the record store dudes, initial testing seems good. There were alas no CDs in the tray, we love found music! Grainy pic shot during dodgy testing with Jesus Jones, Doubt. Not an especially good CD to test a CD player but the first we had to hand. Damn, going back to this whole physical media thing is tricky!
A double Jeep Wrangler stroller. These are not as nice as the Maclaren equivalents but other people seem to like them. This has a cupholder and little bag thingy and is in perfect condition so it will be hitting Craigslist soon.
A Garmin Streetpilot III or some such, seemingly new in the box with all the accesories. Previous owner had some token effort at use but it looks very shiny etc. More investigation required on this one, we would love to salvage the tracks data from it to see where the previous owners drove but the preliminary powerup suggests it has never been used in anger.
A cast iron steam radiator, in OK shape. Two nicer ones were present but they were BOD (broken upon discard). It is so sad to see some really nice thing in perfect shape be tossed away only to break upon impact with the hard surface it falls on. Craigslist for one this unless any readers want to trade a few beers for it.
Update: Sold within 24 hours. Fine stuff.
An Xport bike rack suitable for a 2 inch receiver. Seems in perfect shape and will be sold as such on craigslist.
First a double jogger with super large wheels and in very nice shape. A puff of air all round and a quick clean and this is ready to go. The hood is missing, sad.
Next a single Maclaren, all very nice and functional. Needed a clean as the seat area was full of crumbs and hair (used for a dog maybe?).
What seems like an early Peg Perego Pliko. If you have used a Pliko you will know that these are pretty nice contraptions for general purpose offspring carriage. The fundamental design seem to be the same as later models so this may find a home somewhere.
An iBook 14inch. Seems in sort of OK shape, may boot but had screen problem. Either way it awaits HD inspection and overall evaulation. Looks for parts of this on eBay next month I suspect.
Two batteries for a 12inch iBook aluminium, seemingly in good shape and one of which having a full charge in it. These will be tested and sent to handy iBook users who happen to require them.
A Dell Pentium 4 PC with speed around 1.5Ghz, missing memory and some plastic. will probably be used for parts or in the making of a chimera. No pics for now, you know what a Dell computing machine looks like.
A not so high quality Trek mountain bike. It is serviceable enough to be sold anyway, it will be going to craigslist. No apparent reason for discard, the tyres even had air in them. It gave us great entertainment riding around in the snow in the middle of the night already, great value for money.
Update: Sold as a commute bike to a happy guy who found it on the list of craig. We were almost sad to see it go as it had provided some amusement riding around in the snow in the meantime.
Some teak outdoor furniture. A bench, two chairs and one armed chair all matching in a modern-ish style. The bench has some discard damage (i.e. something that seems have have occurred as it was thrown away) but that is easily fixable, we think. Otherwise they are all solid and just need a clean and maybe some teak oil. We could use these but we have a bunch of this type of stuff already so these may become available after some consideration.
A Peg Perego Prima Pappa rocking high chair. What a stupid idea! Rocking one's small offspring while they are eating seems like a recipe for a mess. Chair is in OK shape but has a hole in the fabric seat liner. We shall see what occurs here, probably will be sold on the list of craig, to some people the rocking element is a premium feature or some such.
A Gateway Pentium 4 with WinME installed, all present and correct on the initial physical inspection at least. Machine belonged to an adolescent male, here are some humdrum google searches, after having removed the ego driven self-searches to protect the former owner from your specific (as opposed to non-specific) ridicule.
1 aladdin 1 aladdin music 1 Amitai Etzioni 1 APA format 3 ballericons 1 brittany spears mexico gave the finger 1 chopin 1 clean ocean action 2 drums percussion premier drum workshop dw paiste sabian zildjian maple birch tama ludwig 1 dvojak 1 dvorak 2 first union bank 2 free online english dictionary 1 garden state 1 garfunkle 1 gloria steinem and the women's rights movement 1 grieg 1 guitar tabs doobie brothers 1 guitar tabs stone sour 1 IM Icons 2 instant messenger icons ultimate 1 johnson and johnson corporate law office 1 johnson and johson 1 journal of memory and language 3 Karate Kid 1 koepi xvid 1 Laetrile 1 meister german hard liquor yager 1 Michael Novak 1 minnesota test 1 monkey bowl ultimate frisbee tournament 1 mozart 1 nashville 1 nashville maps 2 nashville maps 1 nashville shop zippo lighters 3 nebuchanezzar 1 new jersey garden state 4 nfl draft players 2 official site garden state 1 off shore dumping 1 paul simon and garfunkel 1 paul simon and garfunkle 1 phone directory site 4 photos drums percussion premier drum workshop dw paiste sabian zildjian maple birch tama ludwig 2 point to wrist point to crotch bathroom 2 premier drums 1 "baby names" origins 2 "johnson and johnson" corporate law office 1 "Sextus Empiricus" Chrysippus dog 1 rec.sports.disc 1 sci 1 ssci 1 state map 1 tennessean 1 tennessean newspaper 6 tennessee tour guide 1 the ebola virus 1 the new york times 1 the world is not enough 1 Thomas Anderson 2 ultimate frisbee summer league cleveland ohio 1 university of rochester 1 upa 1 USGS 1 wax museum nashville tennessee 2 wax museum tennessee 1 web of knowledge 1 yager meister 1 yagermeister 1 yeagermeister 2 yellow pages 1 zanies 1 zion bible
Not sure about reason for discard yet but the disk seems to have some not-quite-fatal-yet issues. Closer inspection of the Recycled dir shows a discarded Morpheus install with a bunch of music, images and porn movies, notably several Jenna Jameson offerings. Evidence of stuff no longer present is also plentiful in db files.
Some random PVR, not a tivo. It seemed to have issues coming up properly but when we pulled the 80G HD inside that seemed to work fine. OK then, the rest of it is junk and we prepare to see what can be found in terms of cool TV programming on this thing. Exactly one recording was present, and it was 250 seconds of TV snow. Of course it is not even well encoded snow because no PVR manufacturer sets up their mpeg2 parameters to be useful for snow. Download the 150M file here, if you are really curious. Play it directly from your command line with:
A jogging stroller with ripped fabric in two critical places we fear. Oh no, a genuine reason for discard! Never mind, we have another in stock that has a cracked aluminium wheel mount area. We were going to weld that up but it seems a lot faster to take the (almost new) fabric from that one and put it on this frame. The new chimera stroller is now on the list of craig, trying to feed the family. Fine and dandy.
The VIA server from the other day has no graphics on it so I resolved to find a PCI graphics card for it (no AGP on the board). Seek and ye shall receive. Pic may come soon.
A Cosco Alpha-Omega car seat for young offspring that is in perfect shape and feature laden, in a good way. We really have no use for it though so we will be floinking it off on the list of craig. Available at heavy discount to readers of this page.
This is thoroughly obselete but we picked it up for our friends who own a CD store, and yes they seem to be thriving. They are pretty much series-of-tubo-phobic. They do like CD changers though for the store and requested such from us. It even being a DVD changer and they being in the process of expanding into more DVDs I bet they will want a TV from us next....
A 1U short server with a Via twin CPU motherboard in it. This seems like a pretty nice machine so we may make it into a nice little backup server or some such in the basement. It is not fully tested as yet but so far we have great hopes for this particular piece of garbage.
A Babytrend double stroller in perfect condition apart from a 1.5 in hole in the fabric in the side of one the of the seats. It sort of looks like a cleaned up cigarette burn but larger. Who knows what the modern parents of today allow their horrible offspring to do.......
Today a bumper crop of german language books, always useful. No pic for now.
A Trek cheapo hybrid bike. Cheapo but quite useful if you actually want to ride somewhere. Flat fix and a quick clean and it is off to meet up with craigslist.
Update Sold on the list of craig rather quickly, fine effort
A pretty large cast iron steam heating radiator. This is a available to anybody that might want it (Monica?). Failing that it will be making an appearance on craigslist. It is a pretty good size and weighs probably more than 200 lbs.
Update: Sold on the list of craig to some happy fresh first time homeowners. They seemed a bit sketchy on the whole concept of steam heating but hopefully this is what they need.
First up a super fancy double jogging stroller in near perfect shape. Tyres needed a little air, and in fact the tyres seem to imply that this had never been used. The blue on in the background is a complete and very similar double jogger but it has a bend in it. Its fate is uncertain but the red one will be a craigslist special very soon.
Next a super fancy Maclaren double. This needed nothing but a clean as it had obviously sat in a garage or some such and got dusty. All very spiffy, it is sitting up on the table to catch some wind to assist in the drying process after the quick hose down.
A single mesh seat Maclaren pushchair with seat liner in it. Again perfect condition and all ready for some usage.
A Peg Perego highchair, offspring food induction for the use of. It is in excellent shape, including the padded seat. This will be sold as we have one identical.
Some random pieces of drumkit hardware. Not useful to use but we know people who may use such things. Bob?
These two are for some acquaintances that run a record store. They value the cd changer functionality for in-store use. The Sony works (despite its sketchy appearance in the pic) and is a very common discard these days, what with the advent of these newfangled music media. The JVC is actually a DVD changer and seems pretty fancy, not sure if it works yet.
Yet another record player, no pretence at ever needing one of these but it will go happily on ebay. Unless you, the reader, wants one? The last one was a big hit with its new owner.
A Baby Jogger jogging stroller in OK shape. Some rust on wheels and fittings, tyres needed air. It will find a home somewhere.
A Dell Pentium 4 PC, as yet uninvestigated so watch this space for more details. Pic of it opened up with all the guts showing, seems complete and not even very dusty. Came with ostensibly working flat screen and wireless keyboard and mouse. Yum.
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