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2009-05-09 Simo Bertini

This Simo Bertini twin pushchair would seem to be the Maserati of pushchairs except that we think they are Norwegian rather than the obvious Italian. Whichever, they make quality gear and this is no exception. It needs a clean and then will be introduced to some new discerning owners at some point using the list of craig.

Simo Bertini

2009-05-09 Schwinn Hollywood

This Schwinn Hollywood girls' bike is from the mid 1940s we think. The previous owner had conveniently put two new tyres on it before tossing it into the scrap metal. It needed some seatpost attention and a clean and here it is for your viewing pleasure. It will probably find a home with some hipster, we will see.

Schwinn Hollywood

2009-05-09 Peg Perego Centro

This random Peg Perego Centro pushchair is in fine shape and needed nothing but a clean to be ready for offspring transportation deployment. Surplus to our requirements so off it goes to seek its fortune on the list of craig.

Peg Perego Centro

2009-05-09 Mongoose A40

This Mongoose A40 bike has a few rusty screws etc and needed air in the tyres and the chain putting back on. Rides fine, junky but light and fancy looking, to some peoples' eyes. It will shortly be available on the list of craig for those very people.

Mongoose A40

Update: Sold to a nice chap who refused to test ride it but tested out the various subsystems in the static mode. Not our problem.


2009-05-09 Emmaljunga Seat

This is just the detachable seat part of an Emmaljunga. This would be the Volvo of pushchairs, we suspect. This model is pretty old but fully functional and in nice condition. There exists a small but discerning userbase for these things and hopefully we will make one of them happy at some stage. Egbert is visible behind it along with five (plus?) other items that have appeared on this page.

Emmaljunga Seat

2009-05-08 Royal Scot Bike

This classic English 3-speed Royal Scot Lightweight seems like it could be quite a viable bike after some air in the tyres. It obviously does not have the quality of Raleigh but seems pretty nice. Some hipster will love it.

Royal Scot Bike

Update: Sold off to a happy hipster.


2009-05-08 Britax Car Seat

This is a random large size Britax car seat with the adjustable element in the high back area. The cover is great but one of the straps has issues. It will either get new straps or donate its cover to the cause of rehabilitating another one, we will see.

Britax Car Seat

2009-05-06 Evergreen Tree

Some guy was tossing this tree, rootball and all, onto the brush pile. It seemed like it might have a chance so we rescued it and brought it home. After dinner an earnest youth of our acquaintance implemented the planting procedure in our garden.

Evergreen Tree

2009-05-06 Brace of Puters

First a Dell 2.4Ghz PC with 512M RAM, XP installed and working, no apparent reason for discard. Lots of juvenile plus "mom" usage of the machine. Below is a randomly chosen IM session from the AIM chat logs, the names (and usernames) have been tinkered with to protect the terminally clueless.

cornsyyrup354: hi cathy look i think we have to talk, i no we have are
               diffirences and stuff but i think we both miss are friendship and 
               we both want to be friends and of all the years we have been friends
               and all the laughs we had i miss it and i am ok with u being friends
               with alicia -not that u need my okay- but i am fine u can have friends. 
               i just was woundering if we can put this behind us and be bffl again
               bc i no it would mean a lot to both of us, i am tired of fighting
               and i thought it would last a day but i guess i was wrong-witrch
               i am a lot- i am sorry abot what happened
Auto response from ladytattoooo: Your IM has been sent to my mobile
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cornsyyrup354: plz call or wright or send or talk or reply soon
ladytattoooo: you just dono't get it do you??
ladytattoooo: i have told you so many times that i am not becoming friends with
              you untill you fisically YOURSELF calls my mother and appoligizes this
              could have been over with so long ago but you just can't seem to realize 
              your in the wrong and your NOT right and you need to do something for
              someone else
ladytattoooo: the thing that pissed me off is that you never apologized to me
              or my mother
ladytattoooo: you have appoligized to me but you still have my mom
ladytattoooo: get that through your head
cornsyyrup354: wait wait wait watdoes any of this have to do with ur mom?
cornsyyrup354: i am trying to say i am sorry
cornsyyrup354: but wats the point if u wont forgive me  ..the best part 
               of being a best friend is that when u have a fight u never stop
               being friends u just find yourself makeing up and huging
cornsyyrup354: u forgive and forget ..
cornsyyrup354: a bump on the rode wont stop u from driving
ladytattoooo: IT COSTED MY MOM 1,000 DOLLARS
ladytattoooo: DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH MONEY THAT IS?!?!?!
cornsyyrup354: lest u get a party for 1 and 2 u kenw about it, 3 yes i no
               what $$is and 4 it did mean a lot to u and u had a good time - darryl
               showed me the film - 5 i am glad 6 ...7
cornsyyrup354: i did!
cornsyyrup354: the day after i left u a message
cornsyyrup354: the day at school i said to gg give this to her but dont read it
cornsyyrup354: on wed i said darryl ask her - i never told darryl any thing -
cornsyyrup354: i put it on ur home phone! so u and ur mum can here it
cornsyyrup354: that is y i put it on ur home phone not ur cellz
ladytattoooo: but you didn't say sorry to her
cornsyyrup354: yes
cornsyyrup354: the film
ladytattoooo: shut up your wrong
cornsyyrup354: on darryls cellz
ladytattoooo: no your rong
ladytattoooo: you have to get this over with
cornsyyrup354: darryl has a tape on her cellz
ladytattoooo: call my mom and appoligize
ladytattoooo: thats all i have to say
cornsyyrup354: what do u want me to say
ladytattoooo: GOOD-BYE!!!!!!
ladytattoooo signed off at 8:11:41 PM.

Well, we are glad they got that sorted out. Any linguistics students out there want a Ph.D. topic?

The other machine was a Alienware thingy, missing HD and various hardware parts. It will certainly yield various parts for the fixing of computing machines in general, it will probably not run again in this form unless for short-term amusement purposes.

Alienware PC

2009-05-05 Thinkpad T40

This Thinkpad T40 has a 1.5Ghz CPU, 512M RAM and no keys. It has a keyboard and typing still works but the keys were salvaged by the previous owner, or some such. Apart from that it cannot seem to make it past the BIOS when booting but we forsee no major issue there as it will probably be ebayed as is.

Thinkpad T40

2009-05-02 Lego

A plastic bag full of Lego pieces, fairly modern ones in general. This will be rinsed and tossed in whatever big bucket of Lego comes to hand first here.


2009-05-02 Devices for Seated Offspring

All in one day we gathered up this nice selection of various devices for use with offspring in the seated position. We could have pictured and listed them seperately but the ensemble picture seems quite nice.

Devices for Seated Offspring

From the left:


2009-05-02 Dell Pentium 4

This is a random Dell Pentium 4 2.6Ghz PC or so with memory, disk etc. The fan on the power supply is dead (possible reason for discard?) and the HD had all the personal files on it unlinked. Unlinked but still present.

Dell Pentium 4

2009-05-02 Compaq Laptop

This Compaq seems all nice and new and shiny on the outside but does not boot or show any sign of life. That is fine, maybe watch this space for more investigation or we will ebay the thing off entire as is. Maybe even both.

Compaq Laptop

2009-04-30 Dell Pentium 4

This Dell P4 GX270 2.8Ghz PC was missing memory and disk but they are in general machines worth saving, if possible. We found some memory in stock from prior salvage, a disk from a decommisioned RAID array and a discarded G-wireless PCI card and installed them. Then, using an XP install CD from the trash (first sale doctrine) we put an OS on it and made it ready for a friend's father. Bonus points for multi-sourcing we feel! Spiffy, despite the scuff marks on the case.

Dell Pentium 4
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